Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The smell of fall...

So, I was driving to work tonight, windows down (thank you Indian Summer and 60 degree temperatures at 6:00 at night!) and it started to rain just a little. Then, this aroma entered the vehicle. It automatically relaxed me and put a smile on my face. It was the smell of fall. Rain mixed with fallen leaves with a hint of fireplace smoke thrown in for good measure. It is a smell that can’t be replicated or described if you don’t live in Western Pennsylvania or anywhere that experiences a true change of seasons. The smell is just – awesome. No other way to describe it.

Then I started thinking – the smell of fall, how wonderful of a gift would that be for someone who doesn’t live in Western Pennsylvania, or someone who used to and doesn’t get to experience seasons any more. So, then the wheels in my brain started turning. How do I turn the smell of fall in to a gift?

So far, I’ve got nothing. I thought about wet leaves in a Mason Jar with holes punched in the lid, but then I realized it would start to mold and get all yucky and that is definitely not the smell I am looking for. And, I really haven’t been able to come up with anything else...

What I have come up with is that I am so thankful I live in an area that I am able to experience this – as well as 68 degree weather and snow in the same week. I encourage anyone that hasn’t been here or that doesn’t know what I’m talking about to come to Western Pennsylvania to experience it. I know this isn’t a handmade gift per say, but bringing someone here to experience the smell of fall actually kind of is – a gift handmade by God!

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