For some reason, I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. I am not known for being organized, nor am I known for thinking and planning ahead. But this year, there is something inside me that is driving a desire to be completely organized and early in completing things for Christmas. And, so far, I am enjoying it -- which is why I have decided to start this blog. It gives me a chance to prove that for once in my life, I am being organized and getting things done early. And it gives you a chance to see how completely neurotic I can be, and to probably stress myself out! Sounds like fun doesn't it?
The first thing I have decided to do to help in my obsessive compulsive Christmas behavior is Christmas notebook. In this notebook I have started our Christmas card list, list of who we are giving to this year, possible gift ideas for listed people and my Christmas cookie list. I'm sure the notebook will grow, but these were the basics that I wanted to start planning for now.
The notebook doesn't need to be anything fancy, just something to write in to keep all thoughts and ideas Christmas together. I actually found mine for 20 cents at Target (love the end of back to school season sales!). You may want to include other sections such as traditions you have or want to start with your family, or a holiday timeline so that you know who you will be celebrating with and when. Or even menus if you are the family that is hosting everyone. Like I said, just make it somewhere you can put all of your Christmas thoughts and plans together instead of making (and losing) multiple to do lists!
Well, that is my tip of the day. Feel free to follow along and see what other things I can get in to before Christmas this year!
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